Witness for the Prosecution and other Stories

Dodd, Mead & Co., NewYork, 1948

The Witness for the Prosecution

see "The Hound of Death"

The Red Signal

see "The Hound of Death"

The Fourth Man

see "The Hound of Death"


see "The Hound of Death"

Where there's a Will

a.k.a. 'Wireless', see "The Hound of Death"

The Mystery of the Blue Jar

see "The Hound of Death"

Philomel Cottage

see "The Listerdale Mystery"


see "The Listerdale Mystery"

The Second Gong

see "Problem at Pollensa Bay"

The Mystery of the Spanish Shawl

a.k.a. 'The Manhood of Edward Robinson', 'The Mystery of the Second Cucumber'
see "The Listerdale Mystery"

Sing a Song of Sixpence

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

UK/US covers

Dodd, Mead and Company

Dell Books

Berkley Books

other publishers

Western Europe covers

Témoin à charge

French index

Le Masque (#1084) 1969

Club des Masques (#210) 1974

Le Livre de Poche (#6018) 1985

other publishers

Getuige a charge en andere verhalen

Dutch index

Zeugin der Anklage

German index


Northern Europe covers

Åklagarens vittne och andra noveller / Mord på mördare

Swedish index

Puolustuksella on puheenvuoro

Finnish index

Kaltinimo Liudytojas

Lithuanian index

Southern Europe covers

Testimone d'accusa e altre storie

Italian index

Testigo de cargo

Spanish index

Testemunha de Acusação

Portuguese index

Μάρτυς κατηγορίας / Μάρτυρας Κατηγορίας και Άλλες Ιστορίες

Greek index

Svedok optužbe

former Yugoslavia index

Svjedok optužbe i druge priče

former Yugoslavia index

Сведокот на обвинението

former Yugoslavia index

Dëshmitari i akuzës

Albanian index

Eastern Europe covers

Svedok obžaloby

Slovak index

Korunní svědek

Czech index

A vád tanúja

Hungarian index

Свидетел на обвинението

Bulgarian index

Martorul acuzarii

Romanian index

Свідок обвинувачення та інші історії

Ukrainian index

Свидетель обвинения

Russian index

Middle East & Asian covers

ბრალდების მოწმე

Georgian index

Beklenmeyen Şahit // Zehir

Turkish index

עד התביעה

Hebrew index

أخطاء القضاء / شاهد الإدعاء وقصص أخرى / شاهدة اثبات / شاهدة الادعاء

Arabic index

شاهد الإدعاء وقصص أخرى

شاهدة اثبات

شاهدة الادعاء

أخطاء القضاء

شاهد برای تعقیب

Persian index

Tiada Ampun Bagi Terdakwa

Indonesian index

เฉือนคมคดีลับ และรวม 3 เรื่องสั้นคดีฯ / หักเหลี่ยมทนาย

Thai index

เฉือนคมคดีลับ และรวม 3 เรื่องสั้นคดีฯ


Nhân Chứng Buộc Tội

Vietnamese index

控方证人 / 控方证人及其他

Chinese index



情婦 / 検察側の証人

Japanese index



검찰측의 증인 / 검찰측 증인

Korean index

검찰측의 증인

검찰측 증인

미망인의 정사 (?)