- William Sisley

- German; Der Mann im braunen Anzug (The Man in the Brown Suit), Scherz

- Frederic Bazille peignant a son chevalet

- German; Die Memoiren des Grafen (The Secret of Chimneys), Scherz

- Alfred Sisley and his wife

- German; Ruhe unsanft (Sleeping Murder), Scherz

- Bathing in the Seine (La Grenouillere)

- German; Der Unfall und andere Fälle (The Listerdale Mystery), Scherz

- La Grenouillere

- German; Vier Frauen und ein Mord (Mrs. McGinty's Dead), Scherz

- Odalisque ou femme d'Alger

- German; Tod auf dem Nil (Death on the Nile), Scherz

- Still Life with Bouquet

- German; Der Wachsblumenstrauß (After the Funeral), Scherz

- Portrait of Madame Claude Monet

- German; Morphium (Sad Cypress), Scherz

- Vue de Bougival

- German; Der ballspielende Hund (Dumb Witness), Scherz

- German; Das Schicksal in Person (Nemesis), Scherz

- Madame Darras as an Horsewoman

- German; Der Todeswirbel (Taken at the Flood), Scherz

- La petite Loge

- German; Der Dienstagabend-Club (The Thirteen Problems), Scherz

- Die Loge

- German; Mord nach Maß (Endless Night), Scherz

- Portrait of a Woman, called of Mme Georges Hartmann

- German; Morphium (Sad Cypress), Scherz

- Young Woman with a Veil

- German; Rendezvous mit einer Leiche (Appointment with Death), Scherz

- Portrait de jeune femme. La Parisienne

- German; Auf doppelter Spur (The Clocks), Scherz

- Bal du moulin de la Galette

- German; Die großen Vier (The Big Four), Scherz

- Persian; (The Thirteen Problems), Hermes

- La Liseuse (Jeune Fille lisant un Livre)

- German; Die Kleptomanin (Hickory Dickory Dock), Scherz

- The Banks of the Seine at Champrosay

- German; Zehn kleine Negerlein (And Then There Were None), Scherz

- La Rêverie (Portrait de Jeanne Samary)

- German; Der letzte Joker (The Seven Dials Mystery), Scherz

- Au Café

- German; Die mörderische Teerunde (Problem at Pollensa Bay), Scherz

- The skiff

- German; Elefanten vergessen nicht (Elephants Can Remember), Scherz

- After the Luncheon

- German; Fata Morgana (They Do It with Mirrors), Scherz

- Conversation

- German; Mit offenen Karten (Cards on the Table), Scherz

- Oarsmen at Chatou

- German; Das fahle Pferd (The Pale Horse), Scherz

- Two girls in black

- German; Lauter reizende alte Damen (By the Pricking of My Thumbs), Scherz

- La colazione dei canottieri

- German; Ein Mord wird angekündigt (A Murder is Announced), Scherz

- View of the Seacoast near Wargemont in Normandy

- German; Die Büchse der Pandora (Partners in Crime), Scherz

- Girl with a Fan ( Alphonsine Fournaise)

- German; Das unvollendete Bildnis (Five Little Pigs), Scherz

- Young Girl in a Hat Decorated with Wildflowers

- Korean; 쥐덫 (Three Blind Mice and Other Stories), 자유문학사

- Rosa e Azul

- German; Schneewittchen-Party (Hallowe'en Party), Scherz

- Joseph Durand-Ruel

- German; Der seltsame Mr. Quin (The Mysterious Mr. Quin), Scherz

- Dance in the Country

- German; Die Morde des Herrn (The ABC Murders), Scherz

- La Roche-Guyon

- German; Die Schattenhand (The Moving Finger), Scherz

- Landscape Near Varengeville

- German; Das Geheimnis der Goldmine (A Pocket Full of Rye), Scherz

- Bois de la Chaise (Noirmoutier)

- German; Auch Pünktlichkeit kann töten (Murder in the Mews), Scherz

- View of cagnes

- German; Die Mausefalle und andere Fallen (Three Blind Mice and Other Stories), Scherz

- German; Das Sterben in Wychwood (Murder is Easy), Scherz

- German; Karibische Affaire (A Caribbean Mystery), Scherz

- German; Das Agatha Christie Lesebuch, Scherz

- Claude Monet, Gare Saint-Lazare

- Persian; (Murder on the Orient Express), Hermes

- Claude Monet, Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-Lazare

- Japanese; ABC殺人事件 (The ABC Murders), Kadokawa

- House by the Railroad

- Russian; Зернышки в кармане (A Pocket Full of Rye), ACT

- Automat

- Russian; Третья девушка (Third Girl), ACT

- Room in New York

- Russian; Хикори-Дикори (Hickory Dickory Dock), ACT

- Room in Brooklyn

- Russian; Зло под солнцем (Evil under the Sun), ACT

- New York Movie

- Russian; Печальный кипарис (Sad Cypress), ACT

- Summertime

- Russian; Тринадцать загадочных случаев (The Thirteen Problems), ACT

- Persian; (Elephants Can Remember), Hermes

- Rooms for Tourists,

- Russian; Вилла "Белый Конь" (The Pale Horse), ACT

- Cape Cod Morning

- Russian; Убийство в Месопотамии (Murder in Mesopotamia), ACT

- Rooms by the Sea

- Russian; Смерть на Ниле (Death on the Nile), ACT

- Western Motel

- Russian; Смерть приходит в конце (Death Comes as the End), ACT

- People in the sun

- Croatia; Zajedno protiv zločina (Partners in Crime), Izvori

- Portrait of Ira Perrot

- Russian; Сверкающий цианид (Sparkling Cyanide), ACT

- Portrait of Dr. Boucard

- Russian; Место назначения неизвестно (Destination Unknown), ACT

- La Place Clichy

- Russian; Человек в коричневом костюме (The Man in the Brown Suit), ACT

- La loge (The Box)

- Russian; Убийство Роджера Экройда (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd), ACT

- J. C. Leyendecker, Easter

- Persian; (The Hound of Death), Hermes

- J. C. Leyendecker, Arrow Shirt Collar

- Swedish; Liket i biblioteket (The Body in the Library), Bonniers

- J. C. Leyendecker, Couple Descending Staircase

- Russian; ...И в трещинах зеркальный круг (The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side), Азбука-классика

- Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Portrait of Chitasei Go Yo

- Persian; (The Big Four), Hermes

- Edward Penfield, Harper's February, 1897

- Persian; (The Mystery of the Blue Train), Hermes

- Charles E. Burchfield, Six O’Clock

- Russian; Загадка Ситтафорда (The Sittaford Mystery), ACT

- Guy Hoff, Girl in the Green Hat

- Russian; Загадка Эндхауза (Peril at End House), ACT

- Sterling Hundley, Gibson Girl

- Persian; (The Listerdale Mystery), Hermes

- Winslow Homer, To the Rescue

- Persian; (Why Didn't They Ask Evans?), Hermes

- Gregory Manchess, Something Wicked

- Korean; 3막의 비극 (Three Act Tragedy), 동서문화사

- Lian Quan Zhen, New England Fall

- Russian; Драма в трех актах (Three Act Tragedy), ACT

- Francis Cadell, Portrait of a Lady in Black

- Russian; Смерть в Облаках (Death in the Clouds), ACT

- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Fränzi in front of Carved Chair

- Persian; (Death in the Clouds), Hermes

- Paul Wunderlich, Family with Animals

- Korean; 메소포타미아의 죽음 (Murder in Mesopotamia), 해문출판사

- Maurice Denis, The Muses

- Persian; (Murder in the Mews), Hermes

- Antoine Blanchard, Boulevard de la Madeleine in Winter

- Persian; (Hercule Poirot's Christmas), Hermes

- Meredith Frampton, A Game of Patience

- Italian; Dieci piccoli indiani (And Then There Were None), Mondadori

- Robert Fawcett, Dreams For Sale

- Persian; (One, Two, Buckle My Shoe), Hermes

- Kay Sage, The Upper Side of the Sky

- Russian; Пять поросят (Five Little Pigs), ACT

- Kalarus, Moet Chandon

- Korean; 움직이는 손가락 (The Moving Finger), 동서문화사

- René Magritte, L'Empire des lumières

- Russian; По направлению к нулю (Towards Zero), ACT

- Edwin Long, Love's Labour Lost

- Greek; (Death Comes as the End), ΕΡΜΕΙΑΣ

- Guy Rose, The Difficult Reply

- Persian; (Sparkling Cyanide), Hermes

- Hokusai, The Great Wave off Kanagawa

- Slovenian; Zlovešča plima (Taken at the Flood), Mladinska knjiga

- Paul Cézanne, The House with Cracked Walls

- Persian; (Crooked House), Hermes

- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Self Portrait with a Model

- Russian; Кривой домишко (Crooked House), ACT

- Józef Pankiewicz, The Old City Market

- Russian; Объявлено убийство (A Murder is Announced), ACT

- Frederick Varley, Vera

- Persian; (Mrs. McGinty's Dead), Hermes

- Sir John Lavery, Sketch a Pupil of Mine

- Russian; После похорон (After the Funeral), ACT

- Natalia Goncharova, Smoker

- Persian; (A Pocket Full of Rye), Hermes

- Francisco Goya, Witches Sabbath

- Persian; (Destination Unknown), Hermes

- Guillaume Dubufe, Portrait de Cécile Dubufe

- Greek; Η δοκιμασία της αθωότητας (Ordeal by Innocence), ΛΥΧΝΑΡΙ

- Horace Henry Cauty, The Tennis Match

- Persian; (Cat among the Pigeons), Hermes

- Harry Watrous, Sophistication

- Russian; Отель "Бертрам" (At Bertram's Hotel), ACT

- Charles Hoffbauer, Wintry evening in Times Square

- Russian; Ночная тьма (Endless Night), ACT

- Edouard Manet, Le balcon

- Persian; (Nemesis), Hermes

- John Sargent, Breakfast in the Loggia

- Spanish; Ven, Dime Como Vives (Come, Tell Me How You Live), Tusquets Editores S.A.

- Albert Thomas Jarvis Gilbert, A Sunny Bank

- French; Musique barbare (Giant's Bread), Le Livre de Poche, 1995

- John Lavery, Girl in a Red Dress

- French; Portrait inachevé (Unfinished Portrait), Le Livre de Poche, 2004